Different Stories


Triple A and Marie J. -Chapter 2

A small suspiciously black van inaudibly pulled up to a house with blue siding. One man got out and went around to the back of the house. The sound of a glass door opening and closing broke out, but that was the only sound. Only two point four minutes went by before he came back outside, and his gloved hands were now full. The van pulled away, and the night was silent.


Marie Joanna Adams:

I’ve been here for a about week, now.
A whole week spent in the same room, with the same walls, and the same surprisingly comfortable bed. At least I think I have. I wake up whenever the one lightbulb turns on, and am forced to sleep when the lights go off. There isn’t much to do when the lights go off, except what the new bruise on my knee proves. I’ve looked everywhere for a light switch, and I can’t find it. When the lights are on, however, I can see that the blankets are pink, and the walls are a light purple. Even though I’m a girl, I am not a girly-type, so this is beginning to feel like torture. The only door leads to a cramped bathroom, so I have no idea how they got me in here in the first place.
Whenever I wake up, two cups of water, a bowl of dry cereal, and a sandwich are on the table. I don't know if there is any kind of poison in the food, but I haven't died yet, and I’m too hungry to skip it.
The whole time here has been spent in the same dorky ‘this is my teddy bear’ pajama shirt and shorts,
and frankly I’m lucky that whoever-they-are have air-conditioning, if nothing else.

There are no means of escape by myself. And of course it’s very boring. I’ve been running around the
cramped room trying to build up my speed so I can make a fast escape, because when Alex and Zack
rescue me, (If they can) they’ll probably mess up. I have a feeling they will; it’s unescapable. No pun intended. But it sure seems like they’re taking their sweet time.

“Marie,” they’ll say, “we got here as fast as we could!” When obviously, since Alex has broken a speed record, (or so he says) could get here faster.

It’s very hard having him as a cousin. But it is harder being kidnapped.

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