Different Stories


Triple A and Marie J. -Chapter 1

Alex Andrew Adams:

I only had thirteen minutes left.
Go, go go! C’mon, Triple-A, hurry up already! It was Zack. Again.
Stop think-talk- whatevering me! It gets on my nerves, then I can’t focus, and if I don’t pass the test this time, I’ll- 


Whoa, careful, Triple-A! You need to watch where you’re going!
Don’t call me that. 
I didn’t. You did.
Stupid thought logic.
Please watch where you are going before you break something again.
I did not break anything! 
Yes, you did.
 Zack wouldn’t let me focus, so I did my best to block him out. 
Your best isn’t very good, then. Around the tree, don’t step in the bush. There’s the window. Open it, quick and easy... Then land on the couch, just like a ninja. 
Just a very young, clumsy ninja. Shut. Up.
I glance at my watch. I have nine minutes to go. I run up the stairs. It’s the door on the right.
Correction: It’s the locked door on my right. I don’t have pockets. Where’s my key? 
You put it in your sock. Oh, right. 
Where would you be without me? I would be somewhere very close to Paradise. Why won’t this door open? I glance at my watch again. Only seven minutes left. The door opens, and I drop to all fours. Opening the window, I jump out and roll. Running around the house, I can hear the sirens starting.
Zack, what do I do now? There’s no response. He must have turned off the Bluetooth chip. The same
Bluetooth chip that’s permanently stuck behind my ear. (Don’t ask.)
“Zack,” I yell, “turn off the simulator!” The sirens turn off, and I am taking off my Virtual Reality mask when I see him coming around the house.
“Alex Andrew Adams,” he says, “you nearly failed. But lucky you, because you, Alex, you just broke the speed record.”


  1. I know you said don't ask but what Bluetooth chip

    1. It will be explained better in future chapters, but Its basically something that lets Alex Andrews and Zack Thomas talk mentally. Zack can turn his off, but Alex can't, because of a science fair experiment gone wrong.

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