Different Stories


Time Watch -Chapter 1 part 1 (Edited!)

(*Authors note* This is a thing my friends and I are, to put in a way, acting out. So all of this is subject to change at any time to any extent. Inside jokes are likely to occur, but are not guaranteed.) 


There are a lot of things that go through your mind when you are about to die. Some authors say that you can see your life before your eyes. The only thing in front of my eyes is sand, hot, fiery, sand. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe it means I’m not about to die. I hope I’m the main character in a movie or something, because they never die. Well, at least the movies I’ve seen. There is the possibility that I’ve been busy, or maybe I’m the ‘sidekick’. If I’m the sidekick, who’s the protagonist? Huh. I have to think about that. Maybe I die, and she gets all sad and everything before saving the world. Or maybe just a few countries. Then the villain dies, or goes to jail and she finds a boyfriend who she kisses just before the credits roll up. Happily ever after. Except for me. ‘Cuz I died.
Wow, is this stuff deep. When you are All Alone there are a billion things you can think about. Like the new president. Or how far you can see into space. Or how you’re possibly about to die and someone you know will save the world while you stay dead. A billion things to think about, alright. I should probably think about something else. What will happen in Toy Story 5, if it comes out? Is there going to be a Cars 4? Will I be able to see those, or will I be dead? Great. Back to the being dead thing. Okaaay, new strategy required. Maybe I should think about what happened in the first place. Grace Dauber was born in a hospital. Well, maybe skip a few years. This mess probably started when I was twelve.

I was at my house, when my cousin Rachel emailed me asking if I had a jeweler's loup. So of course I emailed her back asking what was that and how did she know about it.
‘Oh, I’m just messing around with my Grandpa’s old watch’, was her reply. I immediately invited her to video chat, because this sort of thing needs checking up on.
“A jeweler’s loup?”
“It’s like a magnifying glass that you put on your eye.”
“Okay,” I told her, “but you’re ten.”
“And..? Look, Grace, maybe most ten year olds aren’t messing around with a watch-”
“And a jeweler's loup.”
“-but I can be my own person! Who cares if I’m not playing with dolls! I would rather make my dolls walk on their own! Plus,” Rachel eyes me slyly, “you of all people should know about fixing toys.” That is not a compliment. That is a reference to when I accidentally set her teddy bear on fire. Which references to my glaring at her.
“I don't have a jeweler’s loup.”
“Okay, but does your dad?”
“My dad doesn’t work with watches. He has screwdrivers, hammers, and extra light bulbs; but he doesn’t own a jeweler’s loup.”
“Are you coming over tomorrow?”
“I’m babysitting Alison tomorrow.”
“Bye,” I say, closing my laptop. It had rained last night, and I was stuck indoors. Bored, I looked out my window,and noticed somebody moving into the house down the street. I couldn’t see it very well, so I opened my window, and the screen. The movers must’ve been inside, but I could see a teen boy and a girl about my age talking. No, wait, they must be arguing, because the boy stomped his foot and the girl put her hands on her hips. Boy then said something, which made Girl stick her tongue out and walk away. “Elizabeth,” Boy said loudly, “stop right there.”
Elizabeth then muttered something which I couldn’t hear, but Boy got an angry look on his face and she started running with a grin on her face. I then got this sense that I was eavesdropping and started to close the window. Just before I could do that, Elizabeth ran into my yard, yelled “COMING THROUGH!” and climbed through my window.
Surprised, I barely have time to scramble onto my bed, before her giant, giddy bomb of laughter explodes into my room. The boy yells dangerously angry for all the Elizabeths in the world to hear:
"Yikes, does David sound mad. But boy, was it worth it! Oh, hi, I'm Elizabeth. You've probably heard of me just now. Who're you? Nice place you got here. I'm staying till five o'clock at least. That's when David's baseball game starts. David's my big brother. We moved in over there. Have any DVDs? Hey, cool, The Incredibles; I like that one."
One thing I got right away, was that she had a blabber mouth.
"Um, hello? This is my room!"
"I know that. My room is a block from here. Kinda amazing David can yell so far, right?"

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